Monday, September 04, 2006

Not Just Another Weblog

Dear Readers and Contributors,
It is now about two months and more than 80 posts since “Behind Pseudonyms” was begun by the efforts of Leili and other friends. Since then, the number of contributors is significantly increased (regardless of the level of activity) and we’ve been blessed by your fervour, usually having several new entries each day. Having said that, we – collectively referring to Leili and a few further number of the present contributors – feel compelled to take what we have got here as a group-weblog and ultimately develop it into a quality online-journal. Our desire is to build something worth being read and recognized by a wide spectrum of literary enthusiasts with both Iranian and non-Iranian backgrounds.

This goal may not be achieved unless we put all our efforts into improving the quality of the contents as well as convenience of readers through browsing them. Hence, we propose a quality plan hereafter and we invite all of you to send your feedbacks or comments in this regard:

- Encourage present and potential contributors to submit as many articles as they can. Please save your articles as drafts. Once they are reviewed by the Executive Editors they will be published in the order they are saved by the weblog Publisher.
- Introduce the weblog to friends and pals.
- All types of literary material are encouraged here, whether it be a flash fiction, short story, essays or memoirs, any prose or rhythmic poetry, letters or satire/comics. We suggest creativity combined with well structured and beautiful writing. The goal is not to advertise or give out raw information like forwarding e-mails but to open doors to the world of imagination and dream.
- Published works will be categorized, with their title and a snap summary displayed on the cover page and full text through their respective links.
- An editorial board will bear the responsibility for publishing draft-submitted articles based on the quality, relevance, and subject.
- The editorial board will reserve the right to make suggestions/alterations or referrals to the author or a third person with the consent of the author.

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