Tuesday, January 30, 2007


بیا که ترک فلک خوان روزه غارت کرد
هلال عید به دور قدح اشارت کرد
مقام اصلی ما گوشه خرابات است
خداش خیر دهاد آنکه این عمارت کرد
بهای باده چون لعل چیست گوهر عقل
بیا که سود کسی برد کاین تجارت کرد

نماز در خم آن ابروان مهرابی
کسی کند که به خون جگر طهارت کرد

فغان که نرگس جماش شیخ شهر امروز
نظر به دردکشان از سر حقارت کرد

حدیث عشق زحافظ شنو نه از واعظ
اگر چه صنعت بسیار در عبارت کرد
ثواب روزه و حج قبوت ان کس یافت
که خاک میکده عشق را زیارت کرد


LT said...

Thanks Mehrdad for posting these poems by Hafez.

I did not understand the video of Dariush though. What is the relation?

ASHRAE at SJSU said...

I hope you enjoyed the poems,
It is by Hafez for "Ashoora", very deep in the meaning, like all other poems by him, and as we just passed “Ashoora”, Jan 30, I though it would be a good time to have it there
About the video clip by Dariush, I apologize but it is unintentionally located in the same section with poems,
The video is very nice and I enjoy it a lot, just waned to share it with other people, in case they haven’t heard that,
I listen and watch it every other time especially after work, near sunset …
Sorry but I can’t find a good word to transfer my feeling for that,