Thursday, February 01, 2007


She is the cutest ever! Calm and classy. Not that you think she's a snub or something! Quite the contrary! She is so friendly and kind. Yet, she shows her affection in such a natural and graceful manner that you can't help but respecting her.

The first time I met her was 7 months and 3 days ago, when I had just moved to this new apartment I live now. I was going to the laundry when I saw her sitting in a neighborhood yard. I stopped staring at her for few seconds. She stared back, not quite interested. Actually she looked rather bored, as if she used to see astonished people staring at her.

But we got sort of friendly after a while. Nowadays every now and then that I see her sitting there I start a chat. Well, she doesn't talk so much. I say hello and ask if she's feeling good, or I may mention how beautiful she looks today, and that kind of stuff. She only listens. Or sometimes comes closer behind the fence. Gosh, so handsome she is!

Sometimes when I'm bored, or feel lonely, I imagine her walking along with me. We talk, or just walk. I'm careful that people don't hit her, or ask her to stay aside so the old lady can get off the bus, and she stays aside. I scratch her back, and she wags her tail looking satisfied.

mm... I guess I should stop now. I don't know what else to say. I'm not a writer after all. Just felt like telling you about my white fluffy friend.


ASHRAE at SJSU said...

Dear Friend,
You have written very smooth and lovely,
I could dream it…

ASHRAE at SJSU said...

By the way, I read the other story “childless”
How well you transfer the sense and feeling
Thanks again …

Siamak said...

Thanks Mehrdad. I'm flattered to hear you read that "childless" thing too!:-D

LT said...

very sweet and simple.
who says we need complications in friendship? :)

Siamak, maybe you are a writer but in denial! ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is very cute :)


(I don't have a blogger account, so I can't log in)