Sunday, July 30, 2006

S can hear the wind blowing. She bends over her knees; her face is distorted with pain. A single knock on the door. S does not move. Silence is only broken by the wind, tossing and turning among trees’ branches and leaves…S looks up. There it is, the round face of the clock on the big white wall, with its long hand, moving slowly through digits… a minute passes. Another knock on the door, loud and brisk! S closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and holds her breath, as if she wants to cling to all the oxygen she can get, and still no movement, nothing…The key clicks in the lock and the door opens, Wind rushes into the room, R’s ambiguous look passes S quickly. S is looking at the clock, the round face and the abrupt breaks in time; just before the door closes a sweep of wind brings a single leaf into the room. The door is closed now; the leaf is there, lying still on the ground, in a point between S and R. S stares at the leaf, R stares at the leaf.
While his look is still locked on the lifeless pattern of the leaf, R says:” It’s cold and crazy outside.”
S closes her eyes, with a fine tremble in her voice, she says:” I know.”


LT said...

I think you are very strong in painting a picture. I really envy you! Without telling the story you seem to be able to easily convey the feelings of your characters to the readers! Are you going to continue this story?

Please write more!

Anonymous said...

I agree, this was really good.
Oh, hi Leili! How's everything? It's great that you made this weblog. I'll check it everyday.

LT said...

hey Siamak!
thanks for reading our weblog. We'll make sure to post new articles very frequently!

soudabeh said...

Leili I'm not sure, I guess for a while I will just make some images, Most of the times I'm haunted by images rather than complete stories.But thanx:)